Thursday 8 September 2011

Assignment One

I purchased my first pair of JVC Gummy headphones to match my coloured Ipod. Being a reasonably well known brand for electronic devices such as headphones and speakers i was expecting good quality merchandise. Firstly the headphones worked very well giving good quality sound, were very comfortable to wear and were flexible enough to wrap around the Ipod itself without breaking.They lasted well until a few months into using them when they started crackling and cutting out. This only appeared to be happening in the the left headphone which was the headphone i happened to use the most. I persevered with the problems first but after a while they became a nuisance to use. The headphone casing and the connection was fine and there seemed to be no problem with how they were working only in speakers inside. I decided after a while to change back to normal apple headphones, as they were more suitable.

Having not yet learnt my lesson i chose to purchase a second pair of JVC Gummy headphones thinking that this time they would last for longer. Unfortunately the same thing happened again, this time the problems seemed to occur sooner than the previous pair. only having these a few weeks they began crackling and cutting out, this time it seemed to be a problem with the connection between the headphones and the Ipod itself. After fiddling with the connection i thought i had resolved the problem, but after a little while the crackling and cutting out started again. After purchasing this brand of headphone twice and having problems both times i would definitely not purchase them again. In this case it is definitely form over function, i chose the headphones because i liked what they looked like and saw that they were a well recognised brand, but having seen that they are not long lasting i would say to not purchase them again.

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